Circuit City or BestBuy salesman would tell you this.. We tell you an expensive 1080p HDMI cable will give you a better picture quality second to nono but in reality do brand name HDMI cables really deliver a better picture? To find out, we pit two of them against a cheap HDMI Cables in a blind test for ourselves.

inspiretech 3 foot HDMI Cable

HDMI 1080p Cable signal and 1.3b certified on their 3 feet HDMI Cable

Monster Cable Advanced 13 foot HDMI 1000 HD Cable

Sharpest Brighest picture, deepest color and smoothest video.

Honeywell 16 foot HDMI Cable With CURxE Light Technology

Embedded chip self-healing audio and video problems, which might occur

Final Test Results

None of our people could tell any difference at all between all of the HDMI Cables. The fact is, HDMI is digital, meaning you either get the signal or you don’t. High overprice and gimmicks like gold-plating don’t affect 1s and 0s. Our strong advice: Purchase your HDMI Cable online for cheap like from inspiretech, and use the saved money to upgrade to a larger flat screen.